Tartarus IDO token release — process to claim and sell

2 min readMar 22, 2022


Process to Claim Tokens

  1. Tartarus tokens are going to be released on Fantom Chain (not on BSC Chain) so you need to add Fantom network to your metamask. Process to add fantom network is documented on below link — https://docs.fantom.foundation/tutorials/set-up-metamask
  2. In metamask make sure you are on the Fantom network.
  1. After adding Fantom network, Please visit below side -


  1. Connect your wallet from top right corner on the above side in which your token are going to be released (wallet through which you participated in IDO) — Please remember your network is Fantom
  2. Once your wallet is connected then click on Tartarus IDO Icon or visit directly https://app.tartarus.finance/ido/tartarus.

3. You will see a token release button there and you are supposed to click on claim/release and it will ask to pay gas fee in FTM (not BNB) — Please make sure you have $FTM in your wallet.

4. Once the above process is complete your tokens will be added to your wallet and you are ready to sell them in the market.




DeCentralized IDO Launchpad built for Fantom Ecosystem